Bo Staff Attack Techniques Bo Staff Neck Roll YouTube

When practicing a bo staff neck roll, keep the staff on the back side of the neck and grab with the thumb. Execute a neck roll with tips from a martial arts instructor in this free video on the bo staff. Expert: Justin Eaton Bio: Justin Eaton studied eclectic kempo across the nation. During his travels, he became versed in the bo staff. Currently, Eaton is teaching martial arts classes in Tarzana, CA. Filmmaker: Nili Nathan
Aikido Bo Staff Techniques

Walking Stick, Bo-Jutsu, Bo-Cane, Shillalah, Stick, Zh�ng, Ji Pang E, Hanbo 杖 Zh�ng: a cane, staff, rod, or walking stick, Guai Gun (Hooked Cane) Duanbang 短棒, Chang 杖, Bang 棒 Cane, Canne, Stock, Bast�n, Canna, Тросточка canne de marche, gehender stock, bast�n que camina, canna ambulante, гуляя тросточка  

How to Master basic and advanced Shaolin staff techniques Martial Arts WonderHowTo

Advanced Bo Staff Techniques<p>OPERATION CONDOR (1990) [Jackie Chan, Eva Cobo, Carol 'Do Do' Cheng, Shôko Ikeda] SEEN IT. About an hour into it, Jackie does a 6 second or so staff spinning routine that is very nice (albeit the first one i've seen apart fr

As for diameter of staff, that is a personal choice, and can range from pen thickness up to whatever you can comfortably hold in your hand. The basic range in size would be somewhere between 0.5 and 2.25 inches, averaging at 1.25 inches.

Thematically, the cane can be used along with pocket handkerchiefs (juggling), hats (balances, rolls, juggling), cigars (manipulation, juggling), pool balls (contact juggling, standard juggling) gloves (juggling) and the monocle or pocket watch (manipulation, swinging). See the Hat manipulation page for more information on this. Also see the JIS: Tricks with Hats & Umbrellas page, for a lot more information on all these thematic objects.

Wood is a much heavier alternative and not really the best option unless you cant find bamboo, in which case it is nice and cheap and easy to learn with. Its weight helps it move slower aiding in learning. It is by no means bad, and is what I learnt with; however, it fails on every comparison with aluminum and should be a second choice. The above is rec.juggling advice. Personally, my favourite staffs are my single jo staff (4foot), and double hanbo staffs (3foot). The added weight helps build up muscles in al the right places, and makes it a more rigorous, and therefore for me, a more satisfying workout. Wooden doweling from a hardware store is great. A little thicker and more dangerous to personal safety (due to weight) are actual martial art staffs from a martial art supply store.

Double Bo Staff Form

The main resource for actual staff spinning on the internet is the rec.juggling newsgroup and its archives (kept at the Juggling Information Service). Other spinning techniques and resources can be found through baton twirling websites, notably: TwirlMania

Bo Staff For Sale India

The bo staff is a traditional martial arts weapon that is typically 5 or 6 feet in length. This long wooden stick has both defensive and offensive applications. The staff is especially good for hitting an opponent from a long range. Experienced martial artists can twirl this weapon at mesmerizing speeds. Before you start spinning the bo staff around your body, try some basic techniques, including the rising block, reverse strike, sweep and downward thrust.

Identical to the Baton spin, except after you rotate the staff between index and middle fingers, you continue the spin between your middle and third fingers, after this bringing it back to the original position. Theoretically a triple baton spin is possible, you would need a strong pinky to bring it off with certainty and speed though!

Aikido Bo Staff Techniques<p>Zhaozhou, who had been in poor health, asked his friend Miao Zhang, "Do the bees have Buddha nature?"  Miao Zhang smiled and said, "The roses are so fragrant today, and the cherries so sweet.  Let's walk in the garden and leav

bo staff striking techniques

Advanced Techniques and Takedowns of the Cane.  Instructional DVD, 45 minutes.  Developed by Grandmaster Mark Shuey, Sr., founder of Cane Masters.  Cane Masters Instructional Video Series, Volume 4.  "Featuring the devastating power of the crook, the fourth ranking video shows a wide variety of takedowns and control techniques specifically designed for the cane, as well as defensive techniques for use against a variety of weapons."  VSCL. 

Fighting Staff Dimensions

Shaolin Staff.  Taught by Shifu Jiang Jian-ye.  80 minute VHS videotape.  Produced by Shifu Jiang Jian-ye of the Capital District Tai Chi and Kung Fu Association of New York,  29 West Dillenbeck Drive, Albany, NY 12203.  Website: Jiang's Tai Chi Videos.  

Traditional Bo Staff Forms

    "Jogo do Pau ("the stick game," or "stick-fencing") is a fighting style employing a simple staff, approximately the height of the player, in techniques of attack and defense. In the generic sense, stick fighting has been practiced throughout the world and was refined as a practical technique in some European countries such as Portugal, France. England (quarter-staff) and also in the majority of Eastern countries, including India, China, Japan (bo-jutsu), Thailand, Vietnam and Afghanistan. In the latter nations that still preserve their medieval customs of combat, any tourist who ventures a little into the interior of the country can witness bloody individual combats, including inter-clan rivalries fought with staves.

Bo Staff Spins Video 4

The Little Book of Jodo.  By Eric Tribe and Kim Taylor.  140 pages.  "The Little Book of Jodo covers the ZNKR seitei jo. With over 500 black and white photos it covers the kihon tandoku (solo exercise), kihon sotai (partner basics exercise) and the kata (partner applications)."  

Aikido Bo Staff Techniques

For mankind and Devas, conceivers of all symbols, I have sung this "Song of the White Staff." Revere then and appreciate its Dharma teaching. Dear patron, I hope your practice Dharma  And win happiness supreme."

"The literal English translation of tahn bong sul is "short staff techniques". This may seem confusing at first because we tend to associate a "staff" as something which is quite long. A more figurative interpretation of "tahn bong" would be "short stick". However, in order to maintain the integrity of the literal translation "short staff" will be used.  Tahn bong techniques can be found in martial arts styles in almost every country in the world. Throughout Asia it is often one of the training tools and/or weapons of fighting arts in many countries; Japan, Okinawa, Philippines, China, Viet Nam, Malaysia, Indonesia, Burma, Thailand, Korea, and many more.  Tahn bong sul (short stick techniques) are helpful in developing concentration and physical awareness of techniques, both in empty-hand and weapon training.  The tahn bong is versatile for quick blocks, strikes, traps, disarms, and counterattack movements. It can be easily concealed, as in being hidden in a jacket or behind ones back.  Tahn bong techniques and training methodologies have guidelines which are designed to direct the practitioner in order to help insure the applications are both practical and precise. Though specific training methodologies may vary from school to school and even from instructor to instructor, the basic theories, concepts and principles of tahn bong techniques remains constant. Once educated in these methodologies, an individual, under the guidance of a qualified instructor, is able to create an almost limitless series of techniques. How many techniques and variations to each technique is only limited by the knowledge and imagination of the individual."   -  Korean Tahn Bong, By Grand Master James S. Benko, Ph.D. 

Staff Fighting Training<p>Although many systems are defensive combat techniques intended for use if attacked while lightly armed, others such as kendo, arnis and gatka were developed as safe training methods for dangerous weapons. Whatever their history,

USE DIFFERENT TYPES OF FIGHTING STICKS If you want to improve your overall stick combat skills, its important to have your and your training partner practice with a wide range of sticks.  If your finances permit you, workout with: long sticks, short sticks, light sticks, heavy sticks, balanced sticks, unbalanced sticks,cumbersome sticks, makeshift sticks, wooden sticks, and metal sticks.

Sticks and staves of various sizes are common weapons in Asian martial arts, in which they vary in design, size, weight, materials and methodology, and are often used interchangeably and alongside open-hand techniques. For example, eskrima or arnis of the Philippines uses sticks traditionally crafted from rattan or from butterfruit tree and may be wielded singly or as a pair.

gothic 3 staff fighting damage

A moderate amount of pressure should be applied when gripping your rattan stick. Grasping your kali stick too tightly when fighting can be problematic because it will tire your hands and cause unnecessary cramping. Your stick strikes will also be telegraphed and the speed and power of your strikes will be significantly reduced.

Long Staff Fighting Techniques

The oldest surviving English work giving technical information on staff combat dates from the 15th century – it is a brief listing of "strokes of the 2-hand staff", which shares terminology with the preceding "strokes of the 2-hand sword" in the same manuscript.[6] George Silver (1599) explains techniques of short-staff combat and states that the use of other polearms and the two-handed sword are based on the same method. Later authors on the subject included Joseph Swetnam, Zachary Wylde, and Donald McBane. Silver,[7] Swetnam,[5] and Wylde[8] all agreed that the staff was among the best, if not the very best, of all hand weapons.

PRACTICE STICK FIGHTING EVERYWHERE Practice stick combat in a variety of different environments, terrains, locations and positions.  Some challenging locations include: doorways, hallways, on the stairs, ascending a hill, descending a hill, on top of a car, in a ditch, on a bridge, under a bridge, standing in the water, in the snow, in the mud, in the sand, in tall grass, in between shrubbery, between tress and branches, in the kneeling position, and in the prone position. Be careful when stick sparring in unstable terrains and environments. Make certain you are being supervised by a qualified stick fighting instructor.

Bo Staff Fighting Moves

Latin America also has its share of martial arts devoted to stick-fighting, including Venezuela's juego del garrote, Brazil's palo do Brasil and Maculelê, Trinidad's calinda and the South Americans' Eskrima Kombat.[2]

Staff Fighting Techniques Pdf

Of these the low guard is considered the central guard. Blows were primarily delivered downwards either directly or at angles. Parries of blows to the legs were done either by lifting the leg away from the line of attack or by thrusting one end of the staff into the ground and releasing the foremost hand which was in danger of being struck. Thrusts (called "darts" by Wylde) were often performed with the release of the forward hand and a step with the forward leg like a fencing lunge, stretching forward the back hand as far as possible. Longer thrusts were delivered with a full step forward with the back leg accompanying the back hand. It was recommended that when delivering a blow that at the end of it the back leg and foot should be compassed about so as to fall roughly into a line with the front foot and the point of the weapon. The same circling round of the back leg was applied to parries also. Singularly among the three authors, Swetnam recommends preference of thrusting over striking. Silver and Wylde describe striking and thrusting as equally valid attacks.[12][13][8]

Advanced Bo Staff Techniques<p>360 exchange: Do a standard behind the back exchange, except just as you change hands, very quicly spin your entire body 180degrees, and grab the staff with the first hand. keep rotating the body quickly, until you are back

After performing a rising block, a possible counter attack is the reverse strike. To perform the reverse strike, start with the bo staff above your head in a rising-block position. Keep the staff parallel to the floor and rotate it counterclockwise. As you rotate the staff, lower it and bring your left hand under your right armpit. This motion should cause the right end of the staff to strike your opponent on the right side of his head or neck.

Pocket Bo Staff Review

Stewart writes: "For interest, I have also obtained a copy of "Indian Clubs" from "The All-England Series" published 1892. This contains great pictures of moustachioed gents doing their stuff and - most fascinatingly - contains a notation system for club swinging which results in some hilariously complex pages of ticks, arrows, fractions and brackets - must have been a nightmare for the poor soul who had to set it in hot metal."

Oak Bo Staff For Sale

"Mr. Rudolph is not only a tremendous athlete, he is also an inspirational instructor who was able to motivate and educate a room of students better than instructors twice his age while still in high school. Age doesn't matter if your passion is as contagious as his."

A Wonderful video clip can be found at Drums of Polynesia web site. It is a Real Player streaming video clip, and at 8.25 minutes into it starts a great 1.5 minute segment showing a Polynesian fire dance with one, and then 3 people.

Well, that's it folks, hope you like and found use in my little file. There didn't seem to be much of anything on the net about this, so i figured why not be me to put it together. Good luck in your twirls, and if practicing indoors, bend down to half your height and look around the room for a few seconds before starting: a new angle helps you see that lamp that, you knew was there, but yet somehow didn't....

bow staff weapon

Aluminum is the best material to use. It is light, smooth surfaced, will not splinter, dissipates heat well, will not burn, very strong, and is naturally shiny. The best source for aluminum tubing is a home supply store. Look for shower rods.

There are a variety of books on martial arts available. Some relevant forms would be Bokido, Jokido, Aikido, Ekrima, Kali, Wing Chun, Kendo, Naginata and Arnis. However these will all be primarily sources of purely fighting moves, and will not contain many if any of these pure 'flourishes'. The actual names for the various length staffs are: bo or rokushakubo staff (6 foot), jo staff (4 foot), hanbo (3 foot), tanjo or eskrima staff (2 foot). See your local martial arts store or web-site for more details.