Advanced Bo Staff Techniques<p>360 exchange: Do a standard behind the back exchange, except just as you change hands, very quicly spin your entire body 180degrees, and grab the staff with the first hand. keep rotating the body quickly, until you are back

After performing a rising block, a possible counter attack is the reverse strike. To perform the reverse strike, start with the bo staff above your head in a rising-block position. Keep the staff parallel to the floor and rotate it counterclockwise. As you rotate the staff, lower it and bring your left hand under your right armpit. This motion should cause the right end of the staff to strike your opponent on the right side of his head or neck.

Pocket Bo Staff Review

Stewart writes: "For interest, I have also obtained a copy of "Indian Clubs" from "The All-England Series" published 1892. This contains great pictures of moustachioed gents doing their stuff and - most fascinatingly - contains a notation system for club swinging which results in some hilariously complex pages of ticks, arrows, fractions and brackets - must have been a nightmare for the poor soul who had to set it in hot metal."

Oak Bo Staff For Sale

"Mr. Rudolph is not only a tremendous athlete, he is also an inspirational instructor who was able to motivate and educate a room of students better than instructors twice his age while still in high school. Age doesn't matter if your passion is as contagious as his."

A Wonderful video clip can be found at Drums of Polynesia web site. It is a Real Player streaming video clip, and at 8.25 minutes into it starts a great 1.5 minute segment showing a Polynesian fire dance with one, and then 3 people.

Well, that's it folks, hope you like and found use in my little file. There didn't seem to be much of anything on the net about this, so i figured why not be me to put it together. Good luck in your twirls, and if practicing indoors, bend down to half your height and look around the room for a few seconds before starting: a new angle helps you see that lamp that, you knew was there, but yet somehow didn't....

bow staff weapon

Aluminum is the best material to use. It is light, smooth surfaced, will not splinter, dissipates heat well, will not burn, very strong, and is naturally shiny. The best source for aluminum tubing is a home supply store. Look for shower rods.

There are a variety of books on martial arts available. Some relevant forms would be Bokido, Jokido, Aikido, Ekrima, Kali, Wing Chun, Kendo, Naginata and Arnis. However these will all be primarily sources of purely fighting moves, and will not contain many if any of these pure 'flourishes'. The actual names for the various length staffs are: bo or rokushakubo staff (6 foot), jo staff (4 foot), hanbo (3 foot), tanjo or eskrima staff (2 foot). See your local martial arts store or web-site for more details.